Category: Raspberry Jam

  • Getting Ready for Jam Packed UK visit to Hamilton Grammar School

    Well folks, after months of discussion and preparation we are in the final throws of the preparations for the visit by the Jam Packed team (@jampackeduk) to Hamilton Grammar School (@officialHGS). The classes are looking forward to being involved in the workshops and we are all looking forward to a couple of great days.  As […]

  • Jam Packed Event Information

    I have created a document containing important event information for the Jam Packed UK event being held in Hamilton Grammar School on Friday 28th – Saturday 29th August 2015. Event Information for visitors If you would still like to come along and join us then please visit: Jam Packed UK website for ticket links to Eventbrite.  

  • Jam Packed – Raspberry Jam

    I’m hoping you will come along and join us for a Raspberry Jam being held in Hamilton Grammar School on Saturday 29th August 2015. Come and have a chat, see what we are doing and take part. There will be opportunities to take part in workshops being led by the Jam Packed UK team. Or […]

  • Jam Packed Staff CPD Event

    As part of the Jam Packed event at Hamilton Grammar School on 28th August we will be holding some CPD workshops for teachers.  Introducing a variety of tools…  The main CPD session will run from 1.30pm till 3.30pm. To come along and join us visit:

  • Jam Packed Event – Family Hack

    Pupils of all ages bring your parents for some fun coding tasks at the Jam Packed Family Hack being held at Hamilton Grammar School on Friday 28th August.  Come along between 6pm and 8.45pm and join in these tasks being set by the Jam Packed Team. To book visit: