About Eduk8

I started Eduk8 as my educational website for sharing my classroom resources in 1997 in a world before Web 2.0, the cloud and everything else.  Browsers were still a new thing and the number of people who wrote websites were still programmers (well almost.)

Nowdays, the world has moved on (and so have I) and I use GLOW to share my classroom resources.  The Glow SharePoint environment has replaced my curricular needs and creates a secure collaborative environment superseding the need for sharing these on my own personal domain and so Eduk8 has been repurposed into what has become my professional website.  Eduk8 has become the place where I now post my own mad ramblings of the things which I have experienced, like, and want to share with others.

If you are here, then thanks!


Colin MacLeod

Colin MacLeod is currently a Development Officer for South Lanarkshire Council.  He has previously been Classroom Teacher of Computing Science, ICT Coordinator and Faculty of Head of Computing and Business Education at Hamilton Grammar School.

He has been involved in the management of ICT for South Lanarkshire Council’s managed service contract with RM for the last 15 years and is also currently the council’s Key Contact for GLOW.


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