Setting up a blog server

Ok, so here’s how I went about it!  First, I installed a first attempt of the WordPress MU 2.3 on apache on an Windows XP machine.  Execpt, having learned about apache and virtual hosts and installing mysql on a Windows PC I discovered that XP only allows 10 concurrent connections so after a 100 hours of work.  I abandoned the first blog server as being a learning curve and pushed on to blog server mark 2.  This time I went and ventured into the world of linux and installed Ubuntu server 8.04 LTS which was a real learning curve.  I used the following videos to help me through my initial steps and to install a web interface called webmin to control the computer.  I did not want to install the desktop onto the server for security and resource reasons so whilst this made things harder I’ve come out of the experience having learned a whole lot more.

1. How to set up Ubuntu

I have watched many of these videos about setting up Ubuntu but at the time these were the videos which I followed.

Part 1

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Part 2

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2. How to install Webmin

I used this video as a faster way once I understood what I was doing.

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To start with I found these two videos useful. Part 1

Now webmin requires a file on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS which is no longer supported. You can use this link to sort that issue.

Other than that you can follow this video.

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Now part 2

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Now that we have a web interface installed we will look at how to set-up wordpress.


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